Ways to Donate to Invest in ME Research (charity number 1153730)

Gift Aid allows the charity to claim an extra 25% of your donation from the government if you are a UK tax-payer.

Via PayPal Giving Fund

When you donate to PayPal Giving Fund through this page, they will deliver 100% of your donation, and eligible Gift Aid, to the charity. Neither you nor the charity will be charged a fee for the donation.

Donate online via JustGiving

Many of the charity's supporters use JustGiving for their campaigns to raise funds. One can also donate directly using the JustGiving page.

Via Bank Transfer

Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
Address: 16 Gentleman's Walk, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 1LZ, UK
Account Name: Invest in ME Research
Sort Code: 77-66-53
Account Number: 22439568
IBAN GB25LOYD77665322439568

(Download Invest in ME Research Gift Aid form for UK tax payers)

By Cheque

Send cheques payable to
'Invest in ME Research' to:
Invest in ME Research
PO Box 561,
SO50 0GQ

(Download Invest in ME Research Gift Aid form for UK tax payers)

Standing Order Mandate

Send this standing order to your bank

(Download Invest in ME Research Gift Aid form for UK tax payers)

Helping Us to Energise ME Research

Our aim is to develop and sustain high-quality biomedical research into ME within a Centre of Excellence hub and with European collaboration with other institutes. This will lead to fundamental science being performed leading to multi-site clinical trials, improvement in standards and data analysis, the development of treatments, improvement of diagnosis and a more informed view of this disease amongst the media and the public.
This strategy will also improve education amongst clinicians and encourage more researchers to become involved in this disease.
The more research that we can fund then the more rapid the progress will be for treating this disease.
We therefore welcome all support for the work carried out by the charity that will help us to influence and to inform, not just by words but by actions.

Last Update December 2021