ME Conference Week - A 2020 Vison for ME - Developing European Clinical Expertise for ME
In this article we discussed a 2020 vision for ME that needed to include a strategy of improving clinical expertise in ME.
To this end the charity initiated the European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC)
We feel this is best enacted via collaborations between knowledgeable clinicians
who treat
ME patients - sharing knowledge and integrating clinical expertise with a research strategy that closes the loop for translational biomedical research.
It is one of the reasons why the charity initiated the European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC).
As mentioned before with the re-formation of EMERG then we have a bridge in Europe between
clinicians and biomedical researchers and use the expertise from knowledgeable clinicians to influence research.
Our BRMEC10 Colloquium will have clinicians discussing with researchers to improve the quality of ideas for both sets of prefessionals.
The Quadram Institute is putting this into practice also at its major new facility in Norwich Research Park, which is where the
RESTORE-ME clinical trial will take place.
Another of the ideas from the last EMECC workshop in London was to form a European group of therapists - attached to EMECC - that could consist of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and nurses as they often are an essential part of a clinical team.
Forming such a European group makes a lot of sense to us as part of the European infrastructure set up that we are trying to establish.
So in the forthcoming International ME Clinicians Worksop we are looking at inviting OTs, Physios and nurses as participants as a start in initiating this group.
This not only will improve the situation for patients it will also facilitate the building of the infrastructure to treat and research ME.