The 6th Invest
in ME
International ME/CFS Conference
The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials
Conference DVD
To All of Our
Friends Who Have Ordered the 2011 Conference DVD (and to those who
may do so):
The 6th Invest
in ME International ME/CFS Biomedical Research Conference 2011 DVD
has now been completed and is being readied for distribution.
We apologise for the delay in producing and distributing the DVD.
There are reasons for this which are beyond our control so we
thought it worthwhile just mentioning how we produce the conference
The IiME
conferences are documented always on a 4-disc DVD set that is
available in PAL (European/Australian) or NTSC (North American)
formats and which contains all of the presentations from the
conferences and the plenary sessions.
For 2011 also included in the DVD set is the IiME pre-conference
evening presentation -
Politics ... and ME
A Transatlantic View of the Influence and Effects of
Politics on Research, Media and Healthcare
with Dr Ian Gibson
and Hillary Johnson |
The DVD sets are produced by Invest in ME in association with an
excellent professional DVD authoring company with whom we have
worked since the first DVD production after the 2006 conference. In
those early days IiME did a great deal of the editing, sitting with
the DVD authoring company for some 6 weeks or more, editing and
checking the filming and then spending most of the evenings, nights
and weekends going through sections of each presentation. Luckily we
have established a good working relationship with the DVD authoring
company and technology has improved so the editing process nowadays
is less labour intensive for us.
After the conference is finished the film is delivered to the DVD
authoring company and it is encoded. We then begin the work of
editing, formatting and designing the DVD. IiME still control the
editing and produce the slides, decide the format and design of the
DVD sets, decide the position of slides, design
and produce the DVD covers, agree any music and spend a great deal
of time going through the film footage. The DVD authoring company is
now used to the conferences and is knowledgeable about ME and much
of the work is done based on the experiences from previous
conference DVD production. From 2009 we have used two cameras in the
filming of the conference.
In cooperation with the DVD authoring company we try to remove as
many of the unnecessary noises and sounds as possible, such as
coughing or occasional sounds from the audience. We have to increase
the sound volume of some speakers, remove unnecessary sounds and
film blockages (such as people moving around) and generally try to
provide the best possible effect from which people can be educated
regarding the biomedical research being presented.
Most of this will be transparent when the finished product is viewed
- but we thought we would provide an idea as to why the DVD
production takes a while before distribution begins.
Another important factor is, of course, that IiME subsidise the cost
of the DVD production in order to make it accessible to as many
people as possible. The Trustees cover the shortfall in costs that
we do not get back through sales. To minimise the cost we work
around the DVD company's other projects - which can mean waiting
until there are free moments in the company's schedule. In this way
we hope to reduce costs - but it can mean a delay.

This year as well we have the new research from the Haukeland
University Hospital, Norway. Before the conference the Norwegian
presenters, Professor Olav Mella and Dr
Øystein Fluge, discussed
with us the amount of data that they could present regarding their
exciting new research. They wished to present as much as possible
but did not wish to compromise the publication of their imminent
paper. IiME promised that we would not distribute the DVD (including
their presentation) until the Norwegian researchers gave the
go-ahead due to the magnitude and implications of their research. In
return Professor Mella and Dr Fluge were very open in their
presentation and gave as much information as they could.
We do not wish to jeopardise their research publication so we are
now awaiting news of their imminent publication before beginning the
distribution of the DVD.
Their paper is now completing the peer review process and we would
rather wait a little longer before distribution begins in order that
we can include this presentation on the DVD as well.
This has forced a delay but we hope everyone will understand the
reason for this. The research by Professor Mella and Dr Fluge,
experts in their own (non-ME) field, could be ground-breaking.
The end product of the work in producing the conference DVD set is a
professionally produced educational DVD set which can not only
educate a range of people from healthcare professionals to patient
groups and the media - but can also serve as a historical document.
The conference DVDs have also been used by healthcare professionals
to claim professional training points - another important aspect for
busy GPs who were not able to attend the conference in person.
This year Invest in ME has also included the pre-conference
presentations from Dr Ian Gibson and Hillary Johnson - Science,
Politics and ME - an appropriate and topical title when one
considers the current orchestrated negative media campaign being
waged by a small section of the media who are controlled and
influenced by vested interests.
In order to progress research and awareness into this illness Invest
in ME made the theme for our CPD-accredited 2011 conference - A Case
for Clinical Trials. The DVD set is an essential aid for healthcare
professionals, doctors, nurses, paediatricians, occupational
therapists, researchers, ME support groups, people with ME and those
working in social services, educational support and the media.
Invest in ME
Registered UK Charity Nr. 1114035
PO BOX 561, Eastleigh SO50 0GQ,

The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials
6th International ME/CFS Conference
20th May 2011 Westminster, London